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TAPPI Brightness Tester

Equipment Class:Optical Testing-Brightness Opacity Colour Gloss
Model Number:S5BC
Serial Number:454165
Stock Number:824088

The Brightimeter Micro S-5 measures true TAPPI/GE brightness, colour The Micro S-5 employs directional 45 degree/0 degree geometry for the measurement of brightness and colour, and provides the following features: 1. Microprocessor control provides instantaneous calculation of data. 2. External printer provides instructions to assist the operator, eliminating the need for frequent reference to the instruction manual and provides hard copy printout of all computed data. 3. Automatic microcomputer controlled calibration- calibration data is stored in memory which is not erased even when electrical power is turned off either intentionally or accidentally. 4. No knob adjustments which eliminates potential source of error. 5. All of the following optical parameters may be measured on the Brightimeter Micro S-5: TAPPI/GE Brightness. Hunter L A B Color, CIE L A B color, Color difference E and E*, Color difference statements, CIE Tristimulus Values X Y Z, Reflectance Values R(X), R(Y), R(Z).


 Calibration tile included. One spare bulb included.  External 8340 printer included. 

Literature Available:

Manual on file.

Warranty:One Year parts and labor warranty!

For more information call us at 902-624-0831 or email